| Categories genes  | Tags erect  grain  seed size  seed  panicle  vascular bundle  architecture  stem  lemma  grain size  panicle architecture  grain number  breeding 
  • Information
  • PSP score
    • LOC_Os07g42410.1: 0.7903
  • PLAAC score
    • LOC_Os07g42410.1: 0
  • pLDDT score
    • NA
  • Publication
  • Genbank accession number
  • Key message
    • The SRS1 gene is identical to the previously identified DENSE AND ERECT PANICLE 2 (DEP2)
    • Despite a more compact plant type in the dep2 mutant, no significant alteration in grain production was found between wild type and dep2 mutant
    • The SMALL AND ROUND SEED1 (SRS1/DEP2) gene is involved in the regulation of seed size in rice
    • In addition, EP2 also regulates other panicle characteristics, such as panicle length and grain size, but grain number per panicle shows little change, indicating that the mutation of the ep2 gene could be applied in EP-type indica rice breeding
    • Here, we identified two allelic erect-panicle mutants in indica rice, erect panicle2-1 (ep2-1) and erect panicle2-2 (ep2-2), exhibiting the characteristic erect panicle phenotype
    • Anatomical investigations revealed that the ep2 mutants have more vascular bundles and a thicker stem than that of wild-type plants, explaining the panicle erectness phenotype in ep2 mutants
    • Here, dense and erect panicle 2 (dep2) mutant, which shows a dense and erect panicle phenotype, was identified
    • Expression profiling of DEP2 revealed that it is highly expressed in young tissues, with most abundance in young panicles
    • Morphological and expression analysis indicated that mutation in DEP2 mainly affects the rapid elongation of rachis and primary and secondary branches, but does not impair the initiation or formation of panicle primordia
    • Further analysis suggests that decrease of panicle length in dep2 is caused by a defect in cell proliferation during the exponential elongation of panicle
    • Therefore, the study of DEP2 not only strengthens our understanding of the molecular genetic basis of panicle architecture but also has important implications for rice breeding
    • It was shown that EP2 was specifically expressed in the vascular bundles of internodes by GUS staining and RT-PCR
    • In the longitudinal direction of the lemma, both cell length and cell number are reduced in srs1-1 compared to the wild type, whereas in the lateral cross section of the lemma, cell length in srs1-1 is greater than that in the wild type, but the cell number in srs1-1 is the same as that in wild type
    • These results suggest that the small and round seed phenotype of srs1-1 is due to the reduction in both cell length and cell number in the longitudinal direction, and the elongation of the cells in the lateral direction of the lemma
    • The SRS1 mRNA and proteins are abundant in wild type rice specifically in young organs, namely young leaves, internodes and panicles
    • The causal gene of a novel small and round seed mutant 1 (srs1) was identified in rice by map-based cloning and named SMALL AND ROUND SEED 1 (SRS1)
  • Connection

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