| Categories genes  | Tags blast  root  sheath  stem  ethylene  drought  transcription regulator  ja 
  • Information
  • PSP score
    • LOC_Os02g52210.1: 0.2657
    • LOC_Os02g52210.2: 0.3464
  • PLAAC score
    • LOC_Os02g52210.1: 0
    • LOC_Os02g52210.2: 0
  • pLDDT score
    • NA
  • Publication
  • Genbank accession number
  • Key message
    • A novel blast-inducible RING-H2 type zinc finger protein gene OsRING-1 was cloned from rice by cDNA library screening
    • Tissue expression analysis showed that OsRING-1 was constitutively strongly expressed in roots, but faintly in stems, leaves and sheaths
    • The promoter sequence analysis of OsRING-1 gene revealed that some ABA, GA, ethylene, wound, drought, heat stress and pathogen infection responsive elements were found within the OsRING-1 promoter region
    • Taken together, OsRING-1, as a novel C3H2C3-type zinc finger protein involved in many stress responses in rice might plays a role as a transcription regulator in plant stress response signal transduction pathways
    • Northern analysis showed that OsRING-1 was induced in different degree by pathogen infections, SA, ABA, JA and ethephon (ET) treatments
  • Connection

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