
| Categories genes  | Tags magnaporthe oryzae  defense response  resistant  blast  blast resistance  disease  transcription factor  defense  disease resistance  grain  tiller  yield  breeding  tiller number  grain weight  development  resistance  quality  tolerance  blast disease 
  • Information
    • Symbol: pikh,pi54
    • MSU: None
    • RAPdb: None
  • PSP score
    • Not available
  • PLAAC score
    • Not available
  • pLDDT score
    • NA
  • Publication
  • Genbank accession number
  • Key message
    • The Pi54 gene (Pi-k(h)) confers a high degree of resistance to diverse strains of the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
    • Detection of callose deposition in resistant plants containing Pi-k h (Pi54) gene implicates its involvement in the initiation of defense response cascade
    • In our effort to identify more effective forms of this gene, we isolated an orthologue of Pi54 named as Pi54rh from the blast-resistant wild species of rice, Oryza rhizomatis, using allele mining approach and validated by complementation
    • The blast resistance candidate gene Pi-k h (Pi54) was cloned into a plant transformation vector and the construct was used to transform a japonica cultivar of rice Taipei 309, which is susceptible to M
    • Functional complementation of rice blast resistance gene Pi-k h (Pi54) conferring resistance to diverse strains of Magnaporthe oryzae
    • The single functional blast resistance gene Pi54 activates a complex defence mechanism in rice
    • The dominant rice blast resistance gene, Pi54 confers resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae in different parts of India
    • A novel blast resistance gene, Pi54rh cloned from wild species of rice, Oryza rhizomatis confers broad spectrum resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae
    • In this study, for the first time, we demonstrated that a rice blast resistance gene Pi54rh cloned from wild species of rice provides broad spectrum resistance to M
    • The Pi54rh belongs to CC-NBS-LRR family of disease resistance genes with a unique Zinc finger (C(3)H type) domain
    • This study suggests the activation of defence response and transcription factor-related genes and a higher expression of key enzymes involved in the defence response pathway in the rice line TP-Pi54, thus leading to incompatible host-pathogen interaction
    • The transgenic lines containing Pi54 gene have higher tiller number, grain weight, epicotyl length, and yield compared to the non-transgenic control
    • Phenotypic expression of blast resistance gene Pi54 is not affected by its chromosomal position.
    • This is a novel report in which chromosomal position of the rice blast resistance gene Pi54 was not found to affect significantly the resistance phenotype or morphological traits
    • Three different transgenic lines containing Pi54 and its orthologue Pi54rh were shown to be resistant to different races of M
    • These results will facilitate precise utilization of Pi54 gene and its orthologue in breeding programs for the development of rice cultivars with broad spectrum and durable resistance to M
    • Pi54 gene imparts resistance against M
    • Extensive sequence variation in rice blast resistance gene Pi54 makes it broad spectrum in nature.
    • This is a maiden report of extensive variability of Pi54 alleles in different landraces and cultivated varieties, possibly, attributing broad-spectrum resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae
    • Rice blast resistant gene, Pi54 cloned from rice line, Tetep, is effective against diverse isolates of Magnaporthe oryzae
    • High quality sequences were generated for homologs of Pi54 gene
    • The rice blast resistance gene Pi54 initially identified in an Indian cultivar confers broad-spectrum resistance in India
    • Together, the newly identified Pi54 alleles expand the allelic series and are candidates for rice blast resistance breeding programs
    • We explored the allelic diversity of the Pi54 gene among 885 Indian rice genotypes that were found resistant in our screening against field mixture of naturally existing M
    • The objective of this study was to determine the effects (through over-expressing and using the CaMV 35S promoter) of Pikh on MR219 resistance because it is a rice variety that is susceptible to the blast fungus pathotype P7
    • This study successfully clarified that over-expression of the Pikh gene in transgenic plants can improve their blast resistance against the M
    • Over-Expression of the Pikh Gene with a CaMV 35S Promoter Leads to Improved Blast Disease (Magnaporthe oryzae) Tolerance in Rice.
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